Welcome to the BCoE Help Desk! - WCH 107

Difficulty installing the software offered by BCoE Systems? The Help Desk exists to assist students with any problems that may arise while installing provided software. You can visit us in person or email us at helpdesk@engr.ucr.edu and we will respond as soon as possible. Expect responses to email during our scheduled hours below from the beginning of the quarter until week 10. Our hours during Finals Week will depend on Finals Schedules and service may be sparse.

The helpdesk provides assistance with installing and troubleshooting software (available on the systems page).

I need help with the following

I dont know what access I have
View Card access
I want to request card access to a lab or room
Request or Renew Card access
My card does not work
My access has expired My card is damaged
I am using a UCR ID Card

Replace my card
I am not using a UCR ID
Email us
I need CE-CERT card access Send Email
Go to help desk in WCH 107

Have you requested Access?

Yes No
Has it been approved?
Yes. Email Systems
No. Please Email the locker group owner.
Permission error or File not found

If you are on WIFI Connect to ENGR VPN

Make sure your Computer is connected to the ENGR network

Still having trouble? Email Us

Server Timeout

If you are on WIFI Connect to ENGR VPN

Make sure your Computer is connected to the ENGR network

Still having trouble? Email Us

Incorrect account password

My computer is having Network Issues

Ensure that the Ethernet cable is plugged into both your computer and the wall.

Still not on the network?

Email Us

Computer Software
Other stuff